Health and environmental policies associated with low fatality rate of Covid-19


Fatality rates
Health policy
Air pollution
Crisis management
Policy responses

How to Cite

COCCIA, M. (2021). Health and environmental policies associated with low fatality rate of Covid-19. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 8(3), 152–170.


Abstract. The statistical evidence of the study here shows that countries with a low average COVID-19 fatality rate have high expenditures in health sector and a lower exposure of population to air pollution, regardless a higher percentage of population aged more than 65 years.  This study suggest that the negative impact of future pandemics driven by novel viral agents can be reduced with long-run policies directed to support healthcare sector and sustainable environment.

Keywords. COVID-19, Fatality rates, Health policy, Air pollution, Sustainability, Crisis management, Policy responses; Preparedness.

JEL. F21, F68, O53, K23.


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