Disruptive innovations in quantum technologies for social change


Quantum technologies
Radical innovations
Disruptive innovations
Technological trajectories
Technological change
Social change.

How to Cite

COCCIA, M. (2022). Disruptive innovations in quantum technologies for social change. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 9(1), 21–39. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v9i1.2287


Abstract. The purpose of this study is the technological analysis of trajectories in quantum technologies to clarify new directions of disruptive innovations that can generate economic and social change. Patent analysis and models of time series are applied to assess the growth of quantum technologies. Findings  reveals that path-breaking innovations in quantum technologies are driven by quantum information, quantum communication, quantum optics and semiconductor quantum dots. This study can explain new directions in quantum technologies to support decisions of  R&D investments  towards growing technological trajectories generating having a high potential impact in markets and main benefic effects in socioeconomic systems.

Keywords. Quantum technologies; Radical innovations; Disruptive innovations; Technological trajectories; Technological change; Social change.

JEL. G2, G10, F21, F68, O53, K23.


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