Innovation, Cooperation Network and Economic Growth, a Tunisian Case


Economic growth
Open innovation

How to Cite

FERIEL, Z. (2016). Innovation, Cooperation Network and Economic Growth, a Tunisian Case. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(1), 53–70.


Abstract. In this paper we investigate postulations on the relation between innovation activities andeconomic factors of growth. The old explication of innovation are limited to the notion of technological progress. Generally, technological progress deals about the number of patent and its impact on nation growth and firm modernity, in this case innovationsactions are considered as an improvements activities. However, there is a new way to analyze innovation, itdoesn’t limit itself to the number of patents or a new technological products but it also deals with improvements in production process, organization, finance and distribution. Thisstudy analyze the determinant of innovations on a macroeconomic and microeconomic level. In this paper, we see the important role of innovation system, government rolecooperation network and human resources capacity in improving Tunisian firmgrowth.

Keywords. Innovation, Economic growth, Patent, Open innovation, Cooperation.

JEL. O11, O12, O14, O31, O33, O44, O55.


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