A Preliminary Model of Regulating Natural Capital Funds for Renewable Energy


Natural Capital
Entrepreneurial collaboration
International organization for Standardization
Climate change
Neural Network (NN).

How to Cite

Al SAYYED, N. A., & ZHU, W. (2016). A Preliminary Model of Regulating Natural Capital Funds for Renewable Energy. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(2), 290–297. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v3i2.795


Abstract. Framing sustainable environmental laws in regulating Natural Capital funds for Renewable Energy (RE) is central to the discussion on sustainability strategies. Natural Capital is that limited form of capital assets or service (tangible or intangible) that satisfies basic and social conditions for human existence and protection. This paper proposes an analytical regulatory model utilizing Neural Network (NN) of substantive and procedural issues framing the regulatory parameters associated with Natural capital funding. The model recognizes the fact that the purpose of any legal system is not only to assign duties and responsibilities in protecting rights of individuals and groups in their respective endeavors; but for effective modelling of natural structures as well. Through a preliminarydiscussion of European and USA markets’; regulatory systems with a focus on market and social values, it attempts to discern a practical model to formulate social and regulatory measures on financial structures and energy matters that are considered rights and obligations of individuals and organizations in conducting their businesses. As it has been a subject of academic, government, and public discussions with intense controversies, finding the differences of methodological, and analytical foundation will most probably lead to deeper insight into regulating funds for renewable energy.

Keywords. Natural capital, Sustainable, Entrepreneurial collaboration, ISO, Climate change, Neural Network (NN).

JEL. N70, O13, Q40.



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