A Review of Franchising Research in Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) Database

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Systematic literature review
Taiwanese Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI)
Franchise system.

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KUO, C.-C., & LIU, C.-F. (2017). A Review of Franchising Research in Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) Database. Journal of Economics Library, 4(2), 227–237. https://doi.org/10.1453/jel.v4i2.1324


Abstract. This study investigated the current developmental state of research on franchise systems in Taiwan. A systematic literature review was conducted, in which studies published by the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index were used as the primary data and studies related to franchise systems were analyzed. The results showed that the most common types of research conducted by Taiwanese scholars were quantitative research (56.25%), case studies (25.0%), conceptual papers (12.5%), and qualitative research (6.25%). Of all the related topics investigated by Taiwanese scholars, entrepreneur traits, motivation for joining (or opening) a franchise system; performance; business types; and knowledge, technologies, and innovations were the most frequently explored. The most common theories examined were agency (22.22%), resource scarcity (16.67%), information asymmetry (11.11%), transaction cost (11.11%), intellectual capital(5.56%), resource dependence (5.56%), dynamic knowledge creation (5.56%), resource constraint (5.56%), social identity (5.56%), risk allocation (5.56%), and communication (5.56%) theories.

Keywords. Systematic literature review, Taiwanese Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI), Franchise system.

JEL. M10, L33, L52.


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