Economic optimality of the exchange rate regime applied in Morocco


Band of fluctuation
exchange rate regime
gradual flexibility
Moroccan economy
monetary authorities.

How to Cite

KHATTAB, A., & SALMI, Y. (2021). Economic optimality of the exchange rate regime applied in Morocco. Journal of Economics Library, 8(2), 78–88.


Abstract. The main objective of this study is to analyze from an economic point of view the optimality of the exchange rate regime applied in Morocco, while basing on a macroeconomic analysis on the gradual flexibility of the Moroccan exchange rate regime and while presenting the conditions of success of the gradual flexibility based on the optimal widening of the band of fluctuation of the exchange rate to +/-5% that have been adopted by the domestic monetary authorities.

Keywords. Band of fluctuation, optimality, exchange rate regime, gradual flexibility, Moroccan economy, monetary authorities.

JEL. C51, C68, E02, F31, F41.


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