Scientifically Unacceptable Established Knowledge in Demography and in Economic Research


Economic growth
Population growth
Gross Domestic Product
Hyperbolic growth
Malthusian stagnation
Malthusian trap
Malthusian positive checks
Malthusian oscillations
Fertility rate
Mortality rate

How to Cite

NIELSEN, R. W. (2016). Scientifically Unacceptable Established Knowledge in Demography and in Economic Research. Journal of Economics Library, 3(3), 429–457.


Abstract.The established knowledge in demography and in the economic research is based on the concept of Malthusian stagnation and on the associated concept of the escape from the Malthusian trap. These two fundamental concepts were gradually enforced by numerous other related postulates all aimed at explaining the mechanism of the historical growth of population and of the historical economic growth. Examples of publications based on the established knowledge are closely examined. They are used to show why the established knowledge is scientifically unacceptable. It is also pointed out that the established knowledge is contradicted by data and by their analyses. Interpretations of the historical economic growth and of the historical growth of population has to be based on accepting hyperbolic growth. However, the discussed examples point to a more serious problem in these two fields of research. It is a fundamental systemic problem, the problem associated with the way research is conducted. Doctrines, interpretations and declarations used by the established knowledge have to be accepted by faith. Data are either ignored or manipulated to support preconceived ideas. Contradicting evidence is methodically ignored.  To be recognised as science, demographic and economic research has to adhere to the scientific rules of investigation.

Keywords. Economic growth, Population growth, Gross Domestic Product, Hyperbolic growth, Malthusian stagnation, Malthusian trap, Malthusian positive checks, Malthusian oscillations, Fertility rate, Mortality rate, Famines, Pestilence, Wars

JEL. A10, A12, A23, B22, B41, C12, Y80.


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