The Measurement of Credit Channel in the CEMAC Zone

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Credit channel measurement
Monetary policy
Autoregressive vectors

How to Cite

EKOMANE, J. L., & YAMB, B. (2016). The Measurement of Credit Channel in the CEMAC Zone. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 3(4), 744–766.



This article measures the credit channel’s parameters in monetary policy transmission in the CEMAC zone. Having highlighted the limitations of other channels with a theoretical and factual assessment, we check the effectiveness of bank credit channel through the autoregressive vectors’ method, using consolidated monetary and macroeconomic data from six countries in the Zone, from 1960 to 2012. It appears that credit channel is narrow. It has a low outflow and a depth-based credit as far as the private sector is concerned, while the GDP reacts with a two-year period following a monetary policy impulse.

Key words: Credit channel measurement, Monetary policy, Autoregressive vectors, CEMAC.

JEL: E51, E52, E58, G32.


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