An empirical test for the effectiveness of central bank interventions in foreign exchange markets: An application to the Canadian and Swiss Central Banks

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Exchange rate
Official international reserves.

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ABBUY, K. E. (2018). An empirical test for the effectiveness of central bank interventions in foreign exchange markets: An application to the Canadian and Swiss Central Banks. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 5(4), 450–458.


Abstract. This paper investigates the effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention of central banks of Canada and Switzerland. We examine the effectiveness of Canada and Switzerland interventions policies on Canadian dollar against US dollar and Swiss franc against US dollar exchange rates volatility over the 1980-2014 period. A behavioral exchange rate equation is estimated with instrumental variables methodology. The main results indicate that interventions generally reduce exchange rates volatility. However, the Swiss National Bank seems to be more efficient by stabilizing the Swiss franc than the Bank of Canada, whose interventions, despite its effectiveness, remains weak.

Keywords. Volatility, Exchange rate, Official international reserves.

JEL. E51, E52, E58.


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