Venezuela’s tragic meltdown


Exchange rate regimes
Economic growth.

How to Cite

HANKE, S. (2023). Venezuela’s tragic meltdown. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 9(4), 271–278.


Abstract. Mr. Chairman, thank you for this opportunity to express my views on “Venezuela’s Tragic Meltdown.” A great deal of the commentary on the topic is polemical, and more-or-less political and ideological self-justifications of one sort or another. In consequence, the discourse is often confused and confusing. In an attempt to bring some clarity to the topic, I will focus on the one necessary condition that must be satisfied before the Venezuelan economy can be turned around. Inflation must be stopped before stability can be established. Stability might not be everything, but everything is nothing without stability.

Keywords. Exchange rate regimes; Economic growth.

JEL. F31; F33; O47.


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