Assessing Multi-aspects and Integral Sustainability of Bulgarian Farms


Farm sustainability
Ecological aspects
Factors of sustainability
EU CAP impact

How to Cite

BACHEV, H. I. (2017). Assessing Multi-aspects and Integral Sustainability of Bulgarian Farms. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 4(1), 53–86.


Abstract. The issue of assessment sustainability of agricultural farms as a whole and of different type is among the most topical for researchers, farmers, investors, administrators, politicians, interests groups and public at large. Despite that practically there are no assessments on sustainability level of Bulgarian farms in conditions of European Union Common Agricultural Policy implementation. This article applies a holistic framework and assesses sustainability of Bulgarian farms as a whole and of different juridical type, size, production specialization, and ecological and geographical location. Initially the method of the study is outlined, and overall characteristics of surveyed holdings presented. After that an assessment is made of integral, governance, economic, social, environmental sustainability of farms in general and of different type and location. Next, structure of farms with different sustainability levels is analyzed. Finally, factors for improving sustainability of Bulgarian farms are identified, and directions for further research and amelioration of farm management and public intervention in the sector suggested.Our study has found out that overall sustainability of Bulgarian farms is at a good level, with superior levels for environmental and social sustainability, and inferior level for governance and economic sustainability. There are great variations in sustainability levels of farms of different type and location as well as in shares of holdings with unlike level of sustainability. Factors which stimulate to the greatest extent the actions of Bulgarian farms for improving individual aspects of sustainability are Access to Advisory Services, Professional Training of Manager and Hired Labor, Personal Conviction and Satisfaction, Positive Experience of Other Farms, Available Innovations, Financial Capability, Private Contracts and Agreements, and Registration and Certification of Products, Services, etc. National and European mechanisms of regulation and support, which affect to the greatest extent economic sustainability of Bulgarian farms are: Direct Area Based Payments, National Tops Ups for Products, Livestock, etc., Modernization of Agricultural Holdings, Green Payments, Support to Semi-market Farms.

Keywords. Farm sustainability, Governance, Ecological aspects, Factors of sustainability, EU CAP impact, Bulgaria.

JEL. Q10, Q56, R33.


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