Public relations perspectives on electoral reforms as a panacea for consolidating Nigeria’s democracy

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Electoral reforms
Public relations
Democracy and elections.

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ABUBAKAR, U. I., & YAHAYA, A. M. (2018). Public relations perspectives on electoral reforms as a panacea for consolidating Nigeria’s democracy. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 4(4), 370–381.


Abstract. Electoral reforms have been considered as sustainable means of improving on the quality of elections in Nigeria, this is especially as it avails the country, tremendous opportunities in admitting new policies such as new techniques, technologies and improved systems of protecting the welfare of electorates. It is evident from the literature that, public relations overtime has been a unifying factor in accelerating Nigeria’s democracy and sustaining its need for periodic elections and encouraging the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).  Based on the level of malpractices and issues associated with the conduct of elections in Nigeria, it was concluded in this paper that, there are several benefits attached to the process of electoral reforms in Nigeria, hence, it gives government the opportunity to revamp its electoral policies through campaigns, introduction of new technologies, voting and more importantly, the nature of conducting elections bearing in mind that, poorly adopted electoral policies normally lead to the outbreak of crisis from aggrieved parties.  It is recommended amongst others that, government at all levels should consider periodic electoral reforms as a strategy for development and as such; they should ensure that only people with credibility are charged with the mandate of presiding over electoral reform committees (ERC).

Keywords. Electoral reforms, Public relations, Democracy and elections.

JEL. D72, D73, D78.


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