User acceptance of cloud based hospital information system


Cloud computing
Technology acceptance model
Cloud basedhospital information system
Structural equation model

How to Cite

ÖZDEMİR, A., & KABAKUŞ, A. K. (2019). User acceptance of cloud based hospital information system. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 6(1), 28–46.


Abstract. In this study, it is aimed to determine the factors that affect system use of the IT specialists. Accordingly, it is aimed to analyze,through web-based survey and Technology Acceptance Model, the factors that influence the cloudbasedsystem usage of the 150 IT specialists, who work for state hospitals, The results related to the structural model developed fromTechnology Acceptance Modelhave been analyzed with AMOS - Analyis of Moment Structures programme and the accordance of the statistical results have been analyzed by using Structural Equation Modelling method on model.According to analysis results, the effects of the factors related to the IT specialists’ perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on the applicability of this technology with their advantages and disadvantages havealso been discussed, thanks to the data gathered from the users. The Structural model has been confirmed with the statistical results and confirmed hypotheses have been evaluated separately. Suggestions have been offered to the researchers about making prevalent of the cloud based Hospital Information System as a software service, required substructure, its components and applicability. Standards and legal status has also been examined.

Keywords. Cloud computing, Technology acceptance model, Cloud basedhospital information system, Structural equation model.

JEL. J24, O15, M12, M51, M55.


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