Attitudes towards privacy by design in e-government: Views from the trenches

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Privacy by Design
data protection
personal data.

How to Cite

GERUNOV, A. A. (2020). Attitudes towards privacy by design in e-government: Views from the trenches. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 7(1), 1–17.


Abstract. In light of increasing public pressure and strict regulation, issues of information security and privacy gain prominence in the e-government domain. A promising approach to ensure data protection is to embrace the Privacy by Design principles and practices in the public sector but this remains a major challenge for practitioners. This article leverages in-depth interviews with e-government stakeholders in Bulgaria to explore their opinions and preferences on data protection issues, thus outlining the main drivers and barriers for Privacy by Design implementations. The key insight is that increasing citizen demands and regulatory oversight engender a change in privacy thinking that defies the current status quo. Limited understanding, scarcity of best practices, legacy systems and insufficient financial and administrative capacity seem to be the main implementation obstacles.

Keywords. Privacy by Design, e-government, data protection, personal data.

JEL. C80, H10, H11.


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