Service Quality Evaluation of Restaurants Using The Ahp And Topsis Method

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YILDIZ, S., & YILDIZ, E. (2015). Service Quality Evaluation of Restaurants Using The Ahp And Topsis Method. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2(2), 53–61.


The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting service quality at restaurants that operate in the service industry. Three restaurants operating in Trabzon were analyzed in terms of the quality of service they provided. In the study, the simple sampling random method was applied to 300 face-to-face interviews in which 30 surveys were deemed invalid and thus eliminated, resulting in a total of 270 surveys being evaluated. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to determine the dimensions of service quality. Subsequently, the service performance of the three restaurants were evaluated using the Topsis method (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and the best restaurant alternative was ultimately identified. When decision matrix and evaluating the ranking results restaurant A is found 0,0019, restaurant B is 0,0017, restaurant C is 0,0018. When these results are considered in terms of service quality,  it can be observed that “A” is the most preferred restaurant by customers in terms of service performance. But the other two restaurants are so closed to “A” restaurant. This result, according to the criteria specified, may be indicative of restaurants operating in Trabzon are offering similar level of service to their customers. This study is limited to only restaurants in food-sector and only in Trabzon. Therefore, not presented any information about the validity of the results for different sectors. Future researches needs to be extended to other restaurants. Researchers also can use another multi-criteria decision making methods

Keywords. Service Marketing, Service Quality, AHP and TOPSIS Method, Restaurant Performance, Customer Satisfaction.

JEL. L15, L83, M31, M41.


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