Improvement teacher Professional Qualifications in Lithuania and Entrepreneurship

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ISORAITE, M., & ČERNIAUSKIENE, N. (2015). Improvement teacher Professional Qualifications in Lithuania and Entrepreneurship. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2(2), 46–52.


The article analyzes the professional development of teachers Lithuania, proposed new form of teacher internships, teacher development concept, entrepreneurship. Professional training for teachers is required in order to update the teachers of local and national priorities and initiatives being; update their knowledge, understanding and skills in pedagogy, curriculum, use of new technologies in teaching areas. In addition, effective professional learning takes place when teachers work with each other to share practices and learn together. Effective professional training is when: it is a long-term and planned; it is clearly the results expected to be achieved in professional education; it is directly needed for a specific and important teacher, and / or school and takes into account the existing knowledge and experience; it is based on the experience of action and exploration; it is held in conjunction with others; it is based on the best available data on education and training, and is headed by experienced specialists.

Keywords. Teacher, Teachers' Qualifications, Competence, Professional training, Professional development of teachers, Entrepreneurship education.

JEL. I21, I22, I24.


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