A Libertarian Analysis of “BrokenWindow” Policing

How to Cite

BLOCK, W. (2015). A Libertarian Analysis of “BrokenWindow” Policing. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2(3), 99–107. https://doi.org/10.1453/jsas.v2i3.356


Abstract. “Broken window” policing refers to the practice of stopping small relatively unimportant crimes (windows broken by hooligans) so that more serious ones will decrease. If the windows are allowed to be broken, criminals will get the message there is little or nothing to stop them from breaking more serious laws. The present paper looks at this practice from a libertarian point of view, and finds some of it justified, some of it not.

Keywords. Libertarianism, Crime, Safety, Policing.

JEL. H0, K14.



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