Effects of R&D Costs on Profit of Producers of Oil Productions in Tehran Stock Exchange

How to Cite

VARAHRAMI, V. (2015). Effects of R&D Costs on Profit of Producers of Oil Productions in Tehran Stock Exchange. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2(3), 132–134. https://doi.org/10.1453/jsas.v2i3.428


Abstract. In this paper, we survey effects of firm’ size, firm’ age, capital to endowment, debt to endowment, advertisement cost and R&D cost on profit of producers of oil productions in Tehran stock exchange. We use from data of period 2004-2014 and estimate model with panel method. Results of estimation reveal that capital to endowment, age and R&D cost have positive effect on these firm’s profit and firm’ size, debt to endowment and advertisement cost have negative effect on our firm’s profit.

Keywords. R&D Cost, Oil Productions, Profit, Advertisement Cost.

JEL. Q54, H27, E31.



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