Racial Inequality and Some Examples

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AK, M. (2016). Racial Inequality and Some Examples. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 3(1), 47–55. https://doi.org/10.1453/jsas.v3i1.696


Abstract. Racism is a movement which regards superiority to the biological and genetic characteristics obtaining from the birth. It grounds on the biological superiority in the cause and effect relationships of the social and politic instances. Racism emerged as color racism in its most primitive mean then evolved into skull and blood racism types. According to superior race approach, the humiliated races were born to give service to and help the superior race. We cannot declare that neither Enlightenment and Humanism movements from the though movements developed in West nor human rights ideology was successful to eliminate the racism in the world. We observe that racism which is the effort to create unphysical qualifications from physical qualifications is utilized for colonial empires of Europe. It is well known that European countries started colonization fights for Africa, America, Asia and Oceania in order to handle the raw material need which was increased after the Industrial Period in the 19th century. The countries had used to think that colonization was the justified result which was derived from the management right of “superior race” to which they belonged. Additionally, this idea was not only adapted by state governors but also adapted by religion people, science people and thought leaders while they regarded this situation as a natural result of the process. This view of point is clearly seen on their studies. According to the result of the “Conference of Defining Racism” organized in Paris, 1967 by UNESCO; racism is a movement which was created in order to justify the invasions, slavery and colonialism.

Keywords., Sociology of Economics

JEL. A00, A10, A14.



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