Multiple Criteria Decision Model Suggestion for Determination of Technological Innovation of Logistic Firms

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PEKER, İskender. (2016). Multiple Criteria Decision Model Suggestion for Determination of Technological Innovation of Logistic Firms. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 3(1), 1–16.


Abstract. The purpose of this study is to develop a model for determination of technological innovation level of logistic firms. The suggested model is used on the ranking of logistic firms listed in 2015 Fortune 500 Turkey according to their technological innovation levels. With this purpose, the study is conducted in two phases. In this first phase, a multiple criteria decision model is developed using Delphi Method to be used in determination of technological innovation levels of logistic firms. In the second phase, the suggested model is tested using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), TOPSIS, VIKOR and Bord a method in order. Study findings show that the suggested model is applicable and can be used for determination of technological innovation level of logistic firms. Additionally, according to analysis results; it is concluded that “radical innovation” is the main criterion and “big data” is the most important sub-criterion. C firm is determined as having the highest level of technological innovation level.

Keywords. Logistics, Innovation, Technological Innovation, Delphi Method, AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR, Borda.

JEL. O31, O35, Q55.


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