Vine to Wine: An Analysis of Value Construction or Destruction at the Point of Production


Production process

How to Cite

DHAMEETH, G. S. (2016). Vine to Wine: An Analysis of Value Construction or Destruction at the Point of Production. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 3(2), 128–140.


Abstract. Due to topographic circumstances, the Finger Lakes Region of New York is capable of producing wine; albeit the region is limited by the climate and soil types of this region. While the potential is apparent to viticulturists and oenologists, the consumers seem to be unaware or unconscious of these abilities and hold the area to standards outside of its capabilities; in regards to both volume production and varietal preference. Since the region is a consumer driven area, the relationship has been developed with wine that evolves around consumption; this emphasizes volume production that is only possible via machine practices. This use of mechanization is what fosters a disconnect between producer and product: an alienation of the vines, vintner and winemaker. This paper analyses the value construction or destruction at the point of producing and consuming wine in the Finger Lakes Region of New York.

Keywords. Product, Consumer, Production process, Labor.

JEL. C90, D13, N30.


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