Edward Nelson, Milton Friedman & Economic Debate in the United States: 1932-1972, Volume 1


Monetary policy
Milton Friedman
Economic debate.

How to Cite

CARSON, S. A. (2021). Edward Nelson, Milton Friedman & Economic Debate in the United States: 1932-1972, Volume 1. Turkish Economic Review, 8(3), 97–102. https://doi.org/10.1453/ter.v8i3.2246


Abstract. Edward Nelson writes an intellectual history of Milton Friedman, who was a thought leader at the University of Chicago.  Friedman is mostly known for his work in macroeconomics and policy, but he also did important work in microeconomics and statistics.  His macroeconomic demand and supply framework extend into policy, where his work continues to influence economic debate.

Keywords. Monetary policy, Milton Friedman, Economic debate.

JEL. B21, D00, D20, D40.


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