Impact of Brand Dynamics on Insurance Premiums in Turkey

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Brand Value
Intangible Assets
Panel GMM
Insurance Premiums.

How to Cite

SOVBETOV, Y. (2016). Impact of Brand Dynamics on Insurance Premiums in Turkey. Turkish Economic Review, 3(3), 453–465.


Abstract. This paper examines influences of brand dynamics on insurance premium productions in Turkey using a dynamic GMM panel estimation technique sampling 31 insurance firms over 2005-2015. The results reveals that brands trust appears as a chief driving force behind premium production where its unit increase augments premium outputs by 5.32 million Turkish Liras (TL). Moreover, the brand value of firms also appears a statistically significant determinant of premium sales, but its size impact remains limited comparing to brand trust, i.e. a million TL increase in brand value generates only 0.02 million TL increase in sales. On the other hand, the study also documents a strong momentum driven from past years premium production with trade-off magnitude of 1 to 0.85. This might imply a higher loyalty-stickiness of customers in Turkey, as well as a self-feeding "bandwagon effect".

Keywords. Brand Value; Intangible Assets; Panel GMM; Insurance Premiums.

JEL. G12, G22, M30, L60.


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