Toward Development of a New Health Economic Evaluation Definition

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Economic evaluation
Health care
Evidence-informed policy
Health technology assessment
Health economics.

How to Cite

BOTCHKAREV, A. (2016). Toward Development of a New Health Economic Evaluation Definition. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(4), 590–601.


Abstract. Economic evaluation (EE) is a dynamically advancing knowledge area of health economics. It has been conceived to provide evidence for allocating scarce resources to gain the best value for money. The problem of efficiency of investments becomes even more crucial with advances in modern medicine and public health which bring about both improved patient outcomes and higher costs. Despite the abundance of literature on the EE concepts, some key notions including the definition of the health economic evaluation remain open for discussion. Academic literature offers a large number and growing variety of EE definitions. It testifies to the fact that existing definitions do not meet economists’ requirements. The aim of this study was to examineexisting definitions and reveal their common features.

Keywords. Economic evaluation, Health care, Definition, Evidence-informed policy, Health technology assessment, Health economics.

JEL. D61, I18, I10, I11, O30.


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