The influences of perceived organizational slacks on firms’ satisfaction in industrial park service: Moderation effect of park attributes and administrative supports

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Perceived organizational slacks
Service satisfaction
Park attributes and administrative supports.

How to Cite

YANG, M.-L., GONG, R., CHEN, S.-Y., & TSAI, F.-S. (2017). The influences of perceived organizational slacks on firms’ satisfaction in industrial park service: Moderation effect of park attributes and administrative supports. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 4(3), 273–277.


Abstract. This study examines the effect of perceived organizational slack on firms’ satisfaction in services offered by industrial park. Survey questionnaires were collected from 131 firms located in various industrial parks in Taiwan. Results supports that, first, perceived organizational slack is negatively related to firms’ satisfaction in industrial park’s services. Moreover, the strengths of such negative relationships were differentiated due to the moderation effect of different park attributes and administrative supports. Policy and theoretical implications were discussed.

Keywords. Perceived organizational slacks, Service satisfaction, Park attributes and administrative supports.

JEL. M10, M11, M14.


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