Proliferation of globalization and its impact on labor markets in advanced industrial nations and developing nations

Supplementary Files

Proliferation of Globalization and its Impact on Labor Markets in Advanced Industrial Nations and Developing Nations. (Revised)


Labor Markets.

How to Cite

RASHID, M. M. (2020). Proliferation of globalization and its impact on labor markets in advanced industrial nations and developing nations. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 7(1), 39–46.


Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into how the proliferation of globalization has impacted labor markets both in a advanced industrialized nations and well as developing nations. Insightful analysis will be drawn from Oatley (2011) on division of labor, Jaumotte & Tytell (2007) on labor compensation, Hahn & Narjoko (2013) on the impact on South Asian Countries, Basu (2016) on wage as a share of GDP and Wallace, Gauchat & Fullerton (2011) on the impact of globalization and labor markets on inequality.

Keywords. Globalization, Labor Markets.

JEL. F66, L52, Β50.


Basu, K. (2016). Globalization of labor markets and the growth prospects of nations. Journal of Policy Modeling, 38(4), 656-669. doi. 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2016.05.009

Hahn, C.H., & Narjoko, D.A. (2013). Economic Reserach Institute for ASEAN and East Asia. [Retrieved from].

Jaumotte, F., & Tytell, I. (2007). How has the globalization of labor affected the labor income share in advanced countries?, IMF Working Paper, No.07/298. [Retrieved from].

Oatley, T. (2011). International Policital Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy, Third Edition. Pearson Education, Inc.

Wallace, M., Gauchat, G., & Fullerton, A.S. (2011). Globalization, labor market transformation, and metropolitan earnings inequality. Social Science Research, 38(3), 229-255. doi. 10.1177/0160449X13511539

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