Strategies to prevent pandemics similar to Covid-19


Fatality rates
Health strategy
Air pollution
Crisis management
Policy response
Country monitoring
Pandemic response
Preventing transmission

How to Cite

COCCIA, M. (2022). Strategies to prevent pandemics similar to Covid-19. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 8(4), 190–202.


Strategies to prevent pandemics can be based on manifold policy responses, not limited to health system. This study shows main aspects of different policy responses based on lessons learned from COVID-19 to constrain the emergence of novel viral agents and the diffusion of other similar infectious diseases in society.

Keywords. COVID-19, Fatality rates, Health strategy, Air pollution, Sustainability, Crisis management, Policy response, Testing, Country monitoring, Pandemic response, Preventing transmission, Preparedness.

JEL. G2, G10, F21, F68, O53, K23.


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