Evaluating Current Logistics Facilities with Analytical Hyepapchy Process (AHP) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)


Analytic Hierarchy Process
Geographic Information Systems
Facility Site Selection.

How to Cite

DERVİŞ, R., ERBAŞ, M., ÖZTÜRK, Z. A., & GÜROL, P. (2016). Evaluating Current Logistics Facilities with Analytical Hyepapchy Process (AHP) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(1S), 21–29. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v3i1S.780


Abstract. Logistics facilities which have important position within logistics supply chain are established in order for the demanded goods to be supplied on time, with the minimum cost and in the shortest duration. Given the cost and time factors, the location of such facilities should be selected very carefully and effectively. Especially, a quick settlement in logistics manner is experienced depending on transportation network, work force, proximity to market and raw materials of the times following the industrialization period after establishing the Republic. Nowadays, with the development of transportation and the communication systems as well as technology transportation costs decreased and the facilities and possibilities transport from one place to another increased. For this reason, like the private sector the public institutions and organizations began to shrink, shut down or merge their facilities. This situation was brought to reconsider the existing facilities. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze current six logistics facilities with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Analyses results will contribute the decision of revising logistics facilities for which are planned to be restructured. Moreover, suggestions are presented for proper ones to continue operating, for improper ones to get closed or transferred to another place.

Keywords. Analytic Hierarchy Process, (AHP), Geographic Information Systems, (GIS), Facility Site Selection.

JEL. J61, L86, Q55.



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