Hazardous Materials Warehouse Selection as a Multiple Criteria Decision making Problem


Warehouse Selection
Hazardous Materials.

How to Cite

SEZER, F., BALİ, Özkan, & GÜROL, P. (2016). Hazardous Materials Warehouse Selection as a Multiple Criteria Decision making Problem. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(1S), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v3i1S.784


Abstract. Radioactive, toxic, smother, flammable, and explosive materials in solid, liquid or gas states which can negatively impact goods, organisms, and most importantly humans are called as “Hazardous Materials”. Hazardous material transportation and storage carry risk factors in addition to their other types of transportation operations. Furthermore, selection of a suitable warehouse becomes a problematic issue in which multiple criteria are evaluated as paying attention to risky circumstances. In this context, hazardous material warehouse selection is considered as a multiple criteria decision problem in our study. In particularly, for the explosives storage among other hazardous materials, necessary criteria are determined according to expert’s consultant. The determined criteria are weighted according to decision makers’ consultancy and the alternatives are evaluated by fuzzy MULTIMOORA under uncertainty throughout the decision making process in the study.. The proposed approach is discussed on a case study.

Keywords. Fuzzy MULTIMOORA, Warehouse Selection, Hazardous Materials.

JEL. D81, R53, C40, C44.



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