On Behavioral Macroeconomics, Globalization, and Economic Growth


Trade agreements
Behavioral Macroeconomics
Economic Growth
Policy Design

How to Cite

ROSAS-MARTINEZ, V. H. (2016). On Behavioral Macroeconomics, Globalization, and Economic Growth. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(3), 482–489. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v3i3.991


Abstract. We assess theoretically the effect of forming a free trade union on the total production of a nation, where such effects are caused by the absorption of technologies through different channels. A popular metaphor describes the people as crabs in a bucket because when one crab tries to scape, the others pull it down avoiding a possible way out for all of them. Given this knowledge, posteriorly and independently of the income inequality levels, we extend our analyses to consider the effect of envy in a macroeconomic level on the total production, and draw the implications which this phenomenon has on the formation of free trade unions. We make strategic policy recommendations to allow the achievement of a globalization that benefits each member nation, where we show that the great trade union might have to start in certain order, with gradual and charitable subregional agreements, seasoned with education promotion and possibly a non restricted ideas employment.

Keywords. Trade agreements, Behavioral Macroeconomics, Economic Growth, Policy Design.

JEL. F13, F15, F62, O24.



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