Challenges of industrial policy to enhance competitiveness

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Industrial policy
Evolutionary link between competitiveness and industrial policy

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VLADOS, C., & CHATZINIKOLAOU, D. (2019). Challenges of industrial policy to enhance competitiveness. Journal of Economics Library, 6(2), 83–96.


Abctract. This study explores how the traditional approaches of perceiving competitiveness and industrial policy could be enriched through a synthetic and evolutionary perspective. Competitiveness, in particular, tends to be studied in the literature in a relatively fragmented way, focusing either on the level of individual nations, or on the sectors of economic activity, or on the firm level. As a result, the evolutionary structures that define competitiveness in a unified socioeconomic way are usually bypassed. In this context, the traditional approach to industrial policy-making, which has as sole objective the strengthening of specific sectors, is inadequate to enhance the multilevel socioeconomic competitiveness in our days. Therefore, we suggest a comprehensive re-positioning of the concept of "organic competitiveness" in overall and synthetic socioeconomic terms (firms-sectors-socioeconomic systems) as useful for a redirected modern industrial policy.

Keywords. Competitiveness, Industrial policy, Evolutionary link between competitiveness and industrial policy, Globalization.

JEL. L52, B52, F63.


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