Becoming a world power: The role of infrastructure alliances

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Becoming a World Power: The Role of Infrastructure Alliances
Becoming a World Power: The Role of Infrastructure Alliances
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infrastructure alliances

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AVENDANO, L. L. (2017). Becoming a world power: The role of infrastructure alliances. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 4(4), 318–328.


Abstract. Hegemony is a struggle for influence. The leadership of a country respect to the power of capital is deeply related to the characteristics of the political economy of the leading state and its alliances. The prevalence of the economic character of international alliances has set a scenario where a country's power in the global economy might be perceived regarding the geographic spread of its international operations. In this work, we affirm that Chinese NOCs are a fundamental tool of the PRC’s geoeconomic strategy, that China’s geoeconomic strategy have resulted in infrastructure alliances and that those alliances have changed the way we understand the PRC’s geoeconomic and geopolitical influence in the world.

Keywords. China, Geoeconomics, Geopolitics, Infrastructure alliances, NOC’s.

JEL. F21, F23, F50, N75.


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