AHP analysis of classifying and positioning the crucial influential factors of brand establishment in the semiconductor industry

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Crucial influential factors
Establishing semiconductor brand

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KINGSON, A., & LAI, W.-H. (2021). AHP analysis of classifying and positioning the crucial influential factors of brand establishment in the semiconductor industry. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 7(4), 234–260. https://doi.org/10.1453/jepe.v7i4.2128


Abstract. This study categorizes the crucial influencing factors and positions them according to their importance in achieving the impact of semiconductor brand establishment on improving corporate performance and meeting customer needs. This study conducted an in-depth literature review that recognizes the crucial factors necessary for implementing influence in establishing a semiconductor brand. This study identifies five main variables and 17 subvariables, including “Customer value”, “Brand equity”, “Brand loyalty”, “Brand orientation” and “Brand performance”, and provides experts’ suggestions. The positioning of 17 subvariables and 5 main variables representing crucial influential factors was performed using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique per their relevance in crucial influential factor implementation. The results show that 5 main variables and 17 subvariables play a vital role in the successful implementationof the impact of establishing a semiconductor brand, and  “Customer value” has gained more weight compared to the other main variables. ‘Addressing problem’, ‘Superior value’ and ‘New product development’ are more important than are other subvariables. The limitation of this study is that, first, although this study consults experts from the semiconductor industry and academia of various countries, their opinions are only relevant to their regions. Second, the development of this model only applies to the semiconductor industry. Third, only expert opinion variables were used for pairwise comparisons. This study compensates for the lack of key factors in establishing a semiconductor brand, using the literature and expert questionnaires to obtain the weight of each factor through the AHP method and ranking them in order of importance. It examines the overall situation of the practice of building brand comprehension, missing no factor, understanding where the key points areand using them effectively. This research advances the implementation focus of the key factors that affect the establishment of semiconductor brands. According to the results of the literature review, this study is the first on implementing key factors affecting the establishment of a semiconductor brand. This study attempts to fill this gap.

Keywords. Crucial influential factors, Establishing semiconductor brand, AHP.

JEL. C44, M21, M31, D81, L29.


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