Islamic finance for SMES


Islamic economics
Islamig finance
Economic systems.

How to Cite

ELASRAG, H. (2016). Islamic finance for SMES. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3(3), 417–433.


Abstract. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) make up the bulk of the economic tissue of the economy. In developing countries, they represent the majority of employment, including female employment. Investing in SMEs is a long-term and smart strategy, with sustainable returns that multiply across regions, countries and societies. SMEs constitute the overwhelming majority of firms. Globally, SMEs make up over 95% of all firms, account for approximately 50% of GDP and 60%–70% of total employment, when both formal and informal SMEs are taken into account. This amounts to between 420 million and 510 million SMEs, 310 million of which are in emerging markets. Promoting access to finance for SMEs has been on the global reform agenda since the global financial crisis. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the opportunities of development and growth as well as the main challenges to Islamic finance for SMEs. This paper will help to deepen understanding of the concepts of Islamic finance   as well as SMEs. In addition to evaluate how Islamic financial institutions can support SMEs.

Keywords: Islamic economics, Islamig finance, Economic systems.

JEL. B10, B30, G20, K40, K20.


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