A review of the behavioural factors influencing the housing market

How to Cite

MARNEY , J.-P., & FAKHRY, B. (2024). A review of the behavioural factors influencing the housing market. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 11(1-2), 1–34. Retrieved from https://journals.econsciences.com/index.php/JEST/article/view/2479


The importance of the housing market to households and the economy is paramount to monetary policies. However, there is limited literature on the behavioural factors influencing the decision-making process in the housing market. This article profoundly examines the psychological and neurological factors influencing the housing market. It reviews how cognitive and emotional influences shape the householders, both sellers and buyers, decisions in the housing market. More importantly, we review the literature on neuroeconomics (and neurofinance) to initiate an understanding of how the brain could work in the housing market. In summary, the householders' reactions to information and news are consistent with behavioural finance theories. Householders tend to underreact to news regarding the housing market and often suffer from biases and heuristics. One of the critical effects that householders suffer from is an illusion of control; this could be traced to the emotions of householders towards the house. Householders do not just show positive emotions towards the property; they fall in love with it. This strong emotional bond is one reason buyers overpay and sellers overprice. Both governments and monetary policymakers need to understand the psychology influencing the householders' decision-making process mainly because the housing market is vital to the economy.

Keywords. Housing market; Behavioural economics; Neuroeconomics.

JEL. D10; D81; D87; D91.



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