Do Institutions and Social Capital matter in the Economic Development of Nigeria?


Social capital
Economic development.

How to Cite

IFERE, E. O., & Doki, N. O. (2017). Do Institutions and Social Capital matter in the Economic Development of Nigeria?. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 4(2), 232–246.


Abstract. This paper addresses the impact of institutions and social capital on economic development of Nigeria. It advanced an argument that economic prosperity of a country is embedded in social organizations and transformations of her institutions built from social capital. The methodology adopted was quantitative and qualitative. The results present a declining negative impact of social capital and institutional variables on economic development; affirming the importance of social capital on institutional quality. Therefore, the way forward is taking a tougher stance against abuse of power and employ mechanism of social capital to reconcile conflict among social, political and economic interest groups.

Keywords: Institutions, Social capital, Economic development.

JEL. D70, H10, O10, O40.


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