Study of institutional characteristics of social capital


Institutions of social capital
Elements of social capital
Norms of the institutions of social capital
Quality management
Multiple linear regression.

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CHARNAVALAU, A. A., RUBLEVSKY, A. V., & CHERNOVALOV, P. A. (2018). Study of institutional characteristics of social capital. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 5(2), 204–215.


Abstract. The article presents a methodology for determining the quality of the norms of the institutions of social capital in the organizations. The author’s model of multiple linear regression as an instrument for classifying and adjusting the qualitative level of the norms of the institutions of social capital is used. A regression model representing the environment of the institutions of social capital and the basis for reducing transactional costs is worked out. Appropriate calculations are presented. The notion of the index of the institutions of social capital in the organization is introduced into the scientific turn. The presented methodology will be useful for research in the field of quality management as a consulting service. 

Keywords. Institutions of social capital, Elements of social capital, Norms of the institutions of social capital, Quality management, Multiple linear regression.

JEL. С01, C38, D23, D24, D91, O35, P31, P32.


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