Integrating Zakah, Awqaf and IMF for Poverty Alleviation: Three Models of Islamıc Micro Finance

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HASSANAIN, K. M. (2015). Integrating Zakah, Awqaf and IMF for Poverty Alleviation: Three Models of Islamıc Micro Finance. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 2(3), 193–211.


Abstract. The objective of this paper is to present theoretical proposals for institutional structure in the context of Islamic Microfinance by first comparing Conventional and Islamic microfinance institutions and then by highlighting some of the pioneering work of conventional microfinance models that paved the way for Islamic Microfinance. In this paper, we review the literature of micro finance models that simultaneously deals with several facets of poverty by combining Waqf and Zakah principles together or individually. There are three models examined in this paper. Waqf-Based Islamic Microfinance Institutions, a Model of Zakah and Awqaf-based MF Organizations and an Integrated Awqaf and Zakah Model of Microfinance. Both Zakah and Waqf mechanisms are considered for Islamic microfinance not only because of their frameworks that are in accordance to the Shariah but they are the original concepts provided in Islam that serve people in need i.e the poor. In tandem with the doctrine of microfinance, Zakah and Waqf are seen as tools best suited to assist the poor who require financing and ultimately could be effective for poverty reduction. The paper derives recommendation for integrating microfinance models into the overall economic policy.

Keywords. Awqaf Funds, Monetary waqf, Zakah, Microfinance, Islamic Microfinance and Poverty.

JEL. G21, I31.


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