Addressing Bad Management Practices in a Family Owned Oil Field Environmental Organization: A Longitudinal Case Study of a Management Turn Around

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STEVENS, J. (2015). Addressing Bad Management Practices in a Family Owned Oil Field Environmental Organization: A Longitudinal Case Study of a Management Turn Around. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 2(3), 175–192.


Abstract. Bad management practices can plague any organization and can be an on-going challenge for organizations of all sizes.  In the case of Extra Environmental, Inc. (EEI), bad managementhas had a more significant impact as it permeated throughout every major department in the company.  A culture of bad management has entrenched itself at EEI, while the ownership partners operated as if bad management practices were a byproduct of the oil and gas industry. A case study, used to undertake this report was based on the uniqueness of the parameters and specific measures taken to address the challenges.  The case study identified five (5) key problems, as detailed below, that was studied, diagnosed, and addressed, to meet this case study’s objectives. This case assessed the steps employed to address the specific bad managementpractices, and to gain an understanding of what good management looks like so corrective actions can be employed to aid an organization. The strategies and activitiesundertaken in this study focused on not only fixingbad management practices, but also to create strong management functions inan organization and stabilize their workforce and grow the organization.  Cultural and change aspects were also key factors in this study in that they are foundational components that must be addressed to gain any level of success in turning around bad management practices at an organization. Thus, a compilation of diagnosis, corrective actions, change, and culture were identified as the key success factors in this study as well as the support given by many of the literature resources used in this study. It was the financial impact, as well as other major problems identified in the due diligence process, that created the rationale for this case study.

Keywords. Management practices, Environmental Organization, Management.

JEL. E01, Q00, Q50.


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