Nomination Commitee Attributes and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finance Companies in Malaysia


Nomination committee
independent directors
finance companies
firm performance

How to Cite

KALLAMU, B. S. (2016). Nomination Commitee Attributes and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finance Companies in Malaysia. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3(1), 150–165.


Abstract. The paper examines the impact of nomination committee attributes on the performance of finance companies in Malaysia. Our panel data is composed of annual data for finance companies listed on the main market of Bursa Malaysia over the period 2004 to 2011. The result indicates that finance expertise of directors’ on nomination committee influences accounting returns positively while membership of executive on nomination committee affects accounting returns negatively. This indicates that the requirement of Bank Negara that nomination committee should be composed of non-executive directors is appropriate and suggests that the regulators should recommend companies to include directors with finance expertise in the nomination committee in future policy formulation.

Keywords. Nomination committee, independent directors, finance companies, firm performance.

JEL. E62, H54, O40.


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