Bollywood, Iindia and Economic Growth: A Hundred Years History


Economic growth

How to Cite

METAXAS, T., BOUKA, E., & MERKOURI, M.-M. (2016). Bollywood, Iindia and Economic Growth: A Hundred Years History. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3(2), 285–301.


Abstract. The main content of the following article is to describe the economic growth of an indigenous economy and the factors of its internalization. Bollywood can be used as a paradigmatic showcase for the improvement of ideas in the development of industries of emerging economies. This paper, via an extensive analysis, describes Bollywood as an economic factor for Indian’s growth. The reasons that led to this growth are described in an extended way, as well as the role of globalization and Indian’s Diaspora on this development. 

Keywords. Bollywood, Diaspora, Economic growth, Globalization, Hollywood, India.

JEL. L82, L88, N75, O53, Z11.


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