Raja Junankar, Economics of Immigration: Immigration and the Australian Economy

How to Cite

DOUGLAS, K. (2016). Raja Junankar, Economics of Immigration: Immigration and the Australian Economy. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3(2), 317–320. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v3i2.882


Abstract. The Economics of Immigration: Immigration and the Australian Economy is a compilation of academic articles written by P.N. Junankar and coauthors on the topic of immigration in Australia. From the effects of immigration on Australia’s economy to the Australian labor market environment immigrants encounter, this book addresses important questions regarding immigration that are relevant to any economy.

Keywords. Australia, International migration, International economics.

JEL. F00, F22, J15.


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Junankar, P.N., Pope, D., Kapuscinski, C.A. & Mudd, W. A. (1994). Immigration and Australia’s External Account Balances. AGPS, Canberra.

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