National Disaster Management Authority in Pakistan: Role of Pakistan Army in Disaster Management

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How to Cite

RAZA, A., & KANDHRO, S. H. (2015). National Disaster Management Authority in Pakistan: Role of Pakistan Army in Disaster Management. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2(1), 11–17.


Pakistan army as a institution has been playing various role in the development of the country. The history shows that army has played a very significant role in coping up the emergencies facing the nation. Government often turn to military, when there is a natural or man induced disaster in Pakistan. The Armed forces obviously need to be involved in humanitarian emergencies and disaster management operations. The Pakistan army plays a vital role in the disaster management in history of Pakistan.


Pakistan army is full equipped with organized management to assist the government in the emergencies in medical services, rescue operation and support activities. Army has well trained personnel with professional skills to provide assistance in the emergency situation facing the country in collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority. Moreover, as an army organization, it has an enormous to serve as an additional instrument for effective delivery of emergency assistance. The objective of this research paper is to describe the role of the army institution in providing a coordinated and prompt response to any disaster situation a country is facing.


The paper examines the types of disasters, a country is facing and highlights the role of Pakistan army in coping the types of disasters that may be natural disasters or man-made disaster. The research paper a covers following areas in details, Hazards profile of Pakistan, Disaster management system in Pakistan and role of Pakistan Army in disaster Management and concluded with the Recommendations. In the end, the paper provides recommendations for building up an effective coordination between the related agencies in coping with the disasters.


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