Impact of strategic factors on enterprise resource planning implementations


Enterprise resource planning system
Strategic factors.

How to Cite

HATİPOĞLU, C. (2017). Impact of strategic factors on enterprise resource planning implementations. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 4(3), 227–232.


Abstract. Deciding on the Enterprise Resource Planning system, determining the business needs and determining the Enterprise Resource Planning strategies is a very important issue. The fact that the strategies created by the businesses are simple and understandable to all employees, also has a critical prescription on the success of the Enterprise Resource Planning system implementation. It is very useful for the continuity of the system to conduct a model study on the necessity of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system of enterprises. However, success factors that are important during the election phase may be useful on the success of the system throughout the implementation process. This study aimed to investigate the strategic factors during and after the implementation of ERP system by using survey method. Before the implementation of ERP systems, tactical decisions of the vendor selection, the employee training, determination of the project manager, and the method implementation should be taken. Selection of the method of implementation is very important step. Ignoring this step will reduce the probability of success in the ERP implementation.

Keywords. Enterprise resource planning system, Enterprises, Strategic factors.

JEL. M11, M13, M15.


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