Examination of The Factors Effective in The use of the e-government system with the technology acceptance model


Electronic government
Technology acceptance model
Theory of reasoned action
Structural equation model.

How to Cite

ÖZEN, Üstün, ÇAM, H., & POURMOUSO, H. (2017). Examination of The Factors Effective in The use of the e-government system with the technology acceptance model. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 4(3), 250–265. https://doi.org/10.1453/jsas.v4i3.1441


Abstract. In this study, it was aimed to determine the factors affecting user behaviors in adopting the e-government system with the theory of reasoned action and technology acceptance model used in the literature. In this regard, 5500 academic and administrative staff working at Atatürk and Gümüşhane universities were included in the study using the questionnaire. In consequence of the survey application, 463 questionnaires were analyzed. The Cronbach Alpha Coefficient method was used for the reliability, and the Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used for the validity of the research scales. After determining the reliability and validity of the scales, research hypotheses were tested by the Structural Equation Model. According to the analysis results, in the first model of the study, anxiety has a negative impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. On the other hand, results showed that reliance has no significant effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Furthermore, it has been obtained that perceived usefulness is the most important factor for the attitude with a rate of 69.2%. In the second model of the study, it has been obtained that self-efficacy is the most important factor for the perceived behavior control with a rate of 82.3% and perceived behavior control is the most important factor for the perceived behavior control with a rate of 75.6%. Moreover, the actual behavior factor for adopting the e-government system in the first model was explained with more percentage than the second model

Keywords. E-Government, Electronic government, Technology acceptance model, Theory of reasoned action, Structural equation model.

JEL. C38, H11, H19.


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