Upgrading school efficiencies and learning interests through innovative teaching of digital mobile e-learning


Technical efficiency
Pure technical efficiency
Scale efficiency
Digital mobile e-Learning
Data envelopment analysis (DEA)
Tobit regression model (TRM)
Vocational and senior high school.

How to Cite

KUO, F.-H., & LIU, H.-H. (2017). Upgrading school efficiencies and learning interests through innovative teaching of digital mobile e-learning. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 4(4), 382–397. https://doi.org/10.1453/jsas.v4i4.1508


Abstract. Assessing the digital mobile e-learning whether to affect school efficiency is an important yet complex issue. Consequently, this study goal of this research is to evaluate the innovative teaching to affect school efficiency (total efficiency (TE), pure technical efficiency (PTE) and scale efficiency (SE) estimated by the data envelopment analysis (DEA) through using digital mobile e-learning of high school in Taiwan. Additionally, the Tobit regression model (TRM) is employed to discuss whether the other determinants affect using digital mobile e-learning of school efficiency. The findings can briefly be concluded as follows. The empirical results of this research indicate the following results: (1) Importing digital mobile e-learning can really enhance the efficiency of school management. (2) technical Efficiency (TE), pure technical efficiency (PTE) and scale efficiency (SE) in the TRM analysis, it also indicates that school size, teacher-student ratio, school high-vocational attribute, especially the numbers of technical teachers in teaching or consulting about digital mobile e-learning knowledge and numbers of Tablet PC (the proxy for digital mobile e-learning) an important role in affecting these three efficiency of school management. Besides, the results show of total equipment expenses associated with tablet PC has a small negative influence on school management efficiency. Due to increasing costs for network equipment small effects on teaching and learning among teachers and students. The results of this research can also be the reference for educational authorities when formulating policies and regulations for promoting digital mobile e-learning.

Keywords. Technical efficiency, Pure technical efficiency, Scale efficiency, Digital mobile e-Learning, Data envelopment analysis (DEA), Tobit regression model (TRM),Vocational and senior high school.

JEL. I21, I25, I28.



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