Awareness about diabetes risk factors and prevention strategies among women of Punjab


Lifestyle changes
Preventive measures
Risk Factors.

How to Cite

KANSRA, P. (2018). Awareness about diabetes risk factors and prevention strategies among women of Punjab. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 5(1), 60–64.


Abstract. Diabetes is a huge challenge to country’s health and economy. It has been widely debated that in order to reduce the incidence and consequences of diabetes, its awareness among the masses is pre-requisite. Thereby, in the present paper an attempt has been made to examine the awareness of the risk factors and preventive strategies of diabetes among women. The study was based on primary data collected from 200 women from Jalandhar. The analysis of the data has been made with the help of frequencies, percentages and weighted average score. It has been found that 96 percent of the women were aware of diabetes.  However, only 42 percent, 30 percent, 22 percent, 13 percent and 29 percent were aware of prevention of diabetes, vaccine for diabetes, complete cure for diabetes and susceptibility of diabetes. These figures are compelling enough to stimulate government to decide to take corrective actions to address the awareness of diabetes among women. It was also found the awareness of the risk factors and preventive measures was low among the sampled respondents. Need of the hour is to create awareness of diabetes, risk factors and lifestyle changes which can prevent or delay diabetes.

Keywords. Awareness, Diabetes, Lifestyle changes, Preventive measures, Risk Factors.

JEL. I12, I10, I19.


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