Outsourcing embryos: An examination of the maternal surrogacy market


In vitro fertilization
Maternal surrogacy
Commercial surrogacy.

How to Cite

ISLAM, D. (2018). Outsourcing embryos: An examination of the maternal surrogacy market. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 5(2), 100–115. https://doi.org/10.1453/jsas.v5i2.1632


Abstract. The word “market” brings to mind a grocery shop or perhaps the financial markets. However, with the advancements in reproductive technologies in the last thirty years, there is now an established market for sperm, eggs, fertilization techniques and even wombs. Surrogacy is a topic that most Americans are unfamiliar with; only a small percentage of American couples are infertile. However, surrogacy has made its popular culture debut with Kim Kardashian announcing her use of a maternal surrogate for her third child.  I seek to provide an analysis for commercial surrogacy contracts and the gestational surrogacy market. Despite the lack of official statistics on the gestational surrogacy market, it is estimated to grow to a $4 billion global market by 2020, which makes it an interesting market to examine.

Keywords. Embryos, In vitro fertilization, Maternal surrogacy, Commercial surrogacy.

JEL. I11, I18.


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