Superpowers and conflict development: Is it a possible relation for supporting human progress?


Great Power
Global Leadership

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COCCIA, M. (2018). Superpowers and conflict development: Is it a possible relation for supporting human progress?. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 5(4), 274–281.


Abstract. This conceptual paper analyzes the role of superpowersthat are nationswitha high economic-war potential and the ability and expertise to exert influence on many geoeconomic regions at global level. Superpowers have a vital role in world systems with conflict development and resolution that are directed to achieve/sustain a global leadership to cope with consequential environmental threats and/or to take advantage of important economic opportunities worldwide. This role seems to generate economic, technological and social change and, as a consequence, human development in the long run.

Keywords. Great Power, War, Conflict, Resolution, Global Leadership, Empire, Imperialism.

JEL. N30, O30, O31, I23.


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