Abstract. In this study, it was aimed at investigating the sustainability-themed advertisements of companies in depth. Thus, the contents of 52 printed or electronic advertisements in which there were items about sustainability, constituted the scope of the research. In the study, in-depth and critical document review technique which is one of the qualitative research methods was used. Moreover, quantitative analysis was conducted for the frequencies of data coded via quantitative research. In terms of data analysis, Nvivo 8 and SPSS 16.0 programs were used. In the end of the research, environmental, social and economic solution proposals were identified via nodes and tree-diagrams, and these solution proposals were compared with the type of the organization. In this regard, it was determined that profit organizations make more sustainability proposals than non-profit organizations. Furthermore, it was found that there was significant relation between type of the organization and sustainability dimensions of its advertisements.
Keywords. Sustainability, Sustainability advertisement, Environmental sustainability, Social sustainability, Economic sustainability.
JEL. M10, M14, Q56.References
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